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FT-1500M-VHF FM Mobile Transceiver (No Microphone)



FT-1500M-VHF FM Mobile Transceiver

50-Tone CTCSS Encode/Decode Built In

For easy repeater access, or silent monitoring of busy channels, CTCSS Encoder and Decoder circuits are built into the FT-1500M. CTCSS data may be stored independently into each channel. The FT-1500M also includes a CTCSS “Tone Scan” feature, which lets yous earch for the CTCSS tone on an incoming signal.

Ultra-Rugged Powerhouse

Yaesu’s FT-1500M, a masterpiece of RF and mechanical engineering, is a trend-setting blend of compactness and functionality. The Yaesu FT-1500M is the most quiet and efficient radio transceiver ever built. Excellent receiver performance, direct keypad freuency entry, Alpha-Numeric Memory System, and 50 Watts of output power, and mini-DIN data port are just the start!

Outstanding Receiver Performance

The FT-1500M’s receiver section is as tough as its physical construction. It features Yaesu’s renowned RF ATT (Advanced Track Tuning), that provides outstanding mmunity to receiver intermodulation. Yet the FT-1500M also features wie receiver coverage of 137 to 174 Mhz, so you can monitor Public Safety, Weather, and Amateur communications with ease!

Extensive Memory System

The FT-1500M includes a total of 149 memory channels, including 130 “regular” memories, 9 pairs of band-edge memories, and an instant-recall “Home” channel you can program for a favorite frequency. All memories will store CTCSS encode/decode status, power output level, and Alpha-Numeric titles.

Alpha-Numeric Channel Display

Memory channels may be displayed either with the channel frequency or a personalized Alpha-Numeric title, for easy channel recognition. Up to six letters, numbers, or characters may be programmed into the title.

Weather Band Memory Bank

The FT-1500M includes a separate 10-channel Weather Band Memory Bank for quick and easy access to NOAA weather broadcast information in your area, without having to scan through the regular memories!


Click here to download brochure
FT-1500M Brochure.pdf  ( 490.64 KB )

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